

UNU Yogyakarta becomes an independent, innovative and competitive university in realizing a just and democratic Indonesia through education, research and community service based on Islam ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah an-nahdliyah in 2050.
- Organizing higher education based on NUs as a value system and kepesantrenan as a model in the conception of high-end-campus.
- Organizing higher education based on equitable public access that produces entrepreneurial cadres.
- Carrying out research within the framework of innovative learning hubs that produce science and technology.
- Carrying out participatory community service in the context of strengthening community organizations and developing partnership equality.
The big vision is derived into a medium-term vision and strategy as stated in the UNU Yogyakarta Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025 as follows:
Medium Term Vision 2021 – 2025:
To become NU’s leading institution (Latecomer) in producing superior professionals in various strategic fields at the national and global levels.
The vision needs to be operationalized so that the UNU academic community has the same understanding and there is no mis or multi-interpretation (one frequency). There are at least four points that need to be operationalized as follows:
- “Latecomer” universities are newcomers, but with a special strategy, they have managed to become one of the leaders. First, UNU strives to be the main reference (role model). Second, UNU strives to be the first choice for talented people, both NU and non-NU, to study, work, and collaborate.
- “Professional excellence” means that UNU graduates have strategic positions and roles, for example as conglomerates, founders, owners, commissioners, chiefs, directors, senior managers, and others.
- “Professional world”, namely, various fields and work entities based on the merit system, for example business startups, private companies and the goods and services industry at the national and global levels, government companies, government agencies, and international institutions.
- As for what is meant by “various fields”, specifically, fields where NU’s strategic position and role is still minimal, for example: creative fields, science and technology fields, manufacturing fields, health fields, business economics fields, and others.
Medium Term Strategy 2021 – 2025:
To realize its ambitious medium-term vision, UNU’s grand strategy is to become a talent magnet.
What is meant by talent magnet is a strategy to attract talented people to join UNU either as students, lecturers, employees, partners, or collaborators. Each target will be targeted with a different approach, for example, prospective quality students will be targeted by providing outstanding scholarships with competitive facilities, prospective quality lecturers will be targeted by providing career schemes, incentives (salaries, bonuses, etc.), facilities (housing, insurance, etc.), and self-development (scholarships for further studies, training, etc.) that are promising, as well as to target prospective quality employees and others. To attract talented people to join UNU, UNU must accommodate their needs as much as possible.
The talent magnet strategy is supported by the 5-GO instrument, namely: Go Innovative, Go Digital, Go Collab, Go Professional, and Go Global which can be explained as follows:
- UNU must Go Innovative
- UNU must build an innovative campus climate.
- UNU must Go Digital
- UNU must become a campus with advanced digital capacity (smart digital university).
- UNU must Go Collab
- UNU must aggressively build strategic collaborations with multiple parties.
- UNU must Go Professional
- UNU must go professional by emphasizing the principles of Good University Governance.
- UNU must Go Global
- UNU must be intensely exposed globally, both students, lecturers, employees, and the institution.