S1 Pharmacy
Various developments that occur at the national and global levels include the increasing need for quality health services. Globalization, which has a huge influence on the implementation of education and the quality of graduates, as well as the rapid development of science and technology, requires Indonesian higher pharmaceutical education to make fundamental changes in order to face the various challenges that exist. Globalization that allows mobility of health workers between countries can be a threat, but it is also an opportunity for our pharmaceutical workers to be able to take part at the national level and abroad.
The Pharmacy Study Program (PSF) of the Faculty of Halal Industry at UNU Yogyakarta plays an active role in producing a generation of Bachelor of Pharmacy graduates with the ability to carry out pharmaceutical work. PSF UNU Yogyakarta has produced graduates who have worked in various pharmaceutical fields such as pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, and the pharmaceutical industry.
UNU Yogyakarta’s PSF is supported by experienced teaching staff and adequate learning support facilities to support excellence in the field of pharmaceutical services and pharmaceutical technology laboratories. The specific excellence instilled in UNU Yogyakarta’s PSF students is in the field of pharmaceutical services and pharmaceutical technology, especially the pharmaceutical industry, both producing and guaranteeing the quality and halalness of pharmaceutical preparations, namely drugs, traditional medicines and cosmetics professionally, including in terms of drug distribution.
Careers of pharmacy graduates have the opportunity to occupy jobs in various pharmaceutical facilities such as pharmacies, hospitals and health centers. In addition, graduates can also carry out services by working in government agencies (BPOM and the Health Office), various types of industries including the drug, food, herbal medicine, herbal medicine and cosmetics industries, in research institutions, clinical laboratories, quality testing laboratories, drug information agencies, health insurance agencies and can take part in the field of education.