S1 Agricultural Product Technology


S1 Agricultural Product Technology

Indonesia is an agricultural country where agricultural activities can be carried out all the time so that food commodities and agricultural products will become a primary need for humans. Currently, the food and agricultural products industry in Indonesia continues to develop dynamically. In the future, the field of agricultural product technology will experience many challenges with an increasingly competitive environment and rapid technological changes. To anticipate these challenges, the UNU Yogyakarta Agricultural Product Technology Study Program optimizes the potential of existing human resources through learning, research, and community service activities.

The Agricultural Product Technology Study Program is one of the disciplines that applies knowledge related to agricultural products after harvest using appropriate technology and aims to increase the added value of the food / agricultural products. In the field of agricultural product technology, we study the physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of food / agricultural products to the food processing process. The fields of this science include: post-harvest technology, processing, packaging, storage, preservation, to aspects of food halalness and entrepreneurship.


Learning Outputs

  1. Able to explain knowledge about the concepts of processing, analysis, quality control, and evaluation of food and agricultural products.
  2. Able to compile theoretical concepts about technical aspects of post-harvest handling to produce food products that are ready for consumption.
  3. Able to carry out food and agricultural product analysis in the fields of chemistry, physical, microbiology, nutrition, sensory, halalness, and business economics, and able to apply the principles of food safety and quality.
  4. Able to design halal-based food and agricultural product development.
  5. Able to utilize science and technology to design halal food entrepreneurship techniques.
  6. Able to follow the development of science and able to utilize technology in solving problems through research in the field of Agricultural Product Technology.

Career Prospects

  1. Food Sector Entrepreneurs
  2. Food Industry Practitioners
  3. Food Consultant
  4. Halal Food Product Standardization Analyst
  5. Food Analyst
  6. Quality Supervisor of Agricultural Products

Success Story

We must be familiar with the Indomie brand. Indomie is one of the successful examples of how agricultural products are processed into useful and marketable goods. Selected wheat raw materials are processed into dry noodles and then attractively packaged and equipped with spices that suit the tastes of the Indonesian people. Want to learn about other agricultural product innovations? Join UNU Jogja’s Agricultural Product Technology Program!


Lecturer Profile

The following is the list of lecturers in S1 Agricultural Product Technology Study Program, Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta.

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